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Pythonic 方式创建一个长多行字符串

我有一个很长的查询。我想在 Python 中将它分成几行。在 JavaScript 中执行此操作的方法是使用多个句子并使用+运算符将它们连接起来(我知道,也许这不是最有效的方法,但我并不关心此阶段的性能,只是代码可读性)。例:

var long_string = 'some text not important. just garbage to' +
                  'illustrate my example';

我尝试在 Python 中做类似的事情,但它不起作用,所以我使用\来拆分长字符串。但是,我不确定这是否是唯一 / 最好 / 最好的方式。看起来很尴尬。实际代码:

query = 'SELECT action.descr as "action", '\
    'role.id as role_id,'\
    'role.descr as role'\
    'FROM '\
    'public.record_def, '\
    'WHERE role.id = role_action_def.role_id AND'\
    'record_def.id = role_action_def.def_id AND'\
    'action.id = role_action_def.action_id AND'\
    'role_action_def.account_id = ' + account_id + ' AND'\
    'record_def.account_id=' + account_id + ' AND'\
    'def_id=' + def_id



s = """ this is a very
        long string if I had the
        energy to type more and more ..."""

你可以(在开始和结束 3 人当然),使用单引号也和治疗结果字符串s就像任何其他字符串。

注意 :就像任何字符串一样,起始引号和结束引号之间的任何内容都成为字符串的一部分,因此该示例有一个前导空格(由 @ root45 指出)。该字符串还包含空格和换行符。

IE 中:

' this is a very\n        long string if I had the\n        energy to type more and more ...'

最后,还可以在 Python 中构造长行,如下所示:

s = ("this is a very"
      "long string too"
      "for sure ..."


'this is a verylong string toofor sure ...'



query = ('SELECT   action.descr as "action", '
         'role.id as role_id,'
         'role.descr as role'
         ' FROM '
         'public.record_def, '
         ' WHERE role.id = role_action_def.role_id AND'
         ' record_def.id = role_action_def.def_id AND'
         ' action.id = role_action_def.action_id AND'
         ' role_action_def.account_id = '+account_id+' AND'
         ' record_def.account_id='+account_id+' AND'
         ' def_id='+def_id)

在像你正在构建的 SQL 语句中,多行字符串也可以。但是如果多行字符串包含的额外空格会有问题,那么这将是实现您想要的好方法。


longStr = "This is a very long string " \
        "that I wrote to help somebody " \
        "who had a question about " \
        "writing long strings in Python"