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每个 '循环的 Java' 如何工作?


List<String> someList = new ArrayList<String>();
// add "monkey", "donkey", "skeleton key" to someList
for (String item : someList) {

如果不使用for each语法for循环的等价物会是什么样的?


for (Iterator<String> i = someIterable.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
    String item = i.next();

请注意,如果您需要使用i.remove();在你的循环中,或以某种方式访问实际的迭代器,你不能使用for ( : ) :)习语,因为实际的迭代器只是推断。

正如 Denis Bueno 所指出的,此代码适用于实现Iterable接口的任何对象。

此外,如果for (:)习惯用法的右侧是array而不是Iterable对象,则内部代码使用 int 索引计数器并检查array.length 。请参阅Java 语言规范


String[] fruits = new String[] { "Orange", "Apple", "Pear", "Strawberry" };

for (String fruit : fruits) {
    // fruit is an element of the `fruits` array.


for (int i = 0; i < fruits.length; i++) {
    String fruit = fruits[i];
    // fruit is an element of the `fruits` array.


for(Iterator<String> i = someList.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
  String item = i.next();

请注意,如果您需要使用 i.remove(); 在你的循环中,或以某种方式访问实际的迭代器,你不能使用 for(:)习语,因为实际的迭代器只是推断。


这是由 nsayer 的回答所暗示的,但值得注意的是,当 “someList” 是实现 java.lang.Iterable 的任何东西时,OP 的 for(..)语法将起作用 - 它不一定是列表,也不一定是来自 java.util 中。因此,即使您自己的类型也可以使用此语法。

Java 5 中添加的foreach循环 (也称为 “增强 for 循环”)相当于使用java.util.Iterator - 对于同一事物的语法糖。因此,当逐个读取每个元素并按顺序时,应始终在迭代器上选择foreach ,因为它更方便和简洁。

的 foreach

for(int i : intList) {
   System.out.println("An element in the list: " + i);


Iterator<Integer> intItr = intList.iterator();
while(intItr.hasNext()) {
   System.out.println("An element in the list: " + intItr.next());

在某些情况下,您必须直接使用Iterator 。例如,尝试在使用foreach删除元素可以(将?)导致ConcurrentModificationException

foreachfor :基本差异


for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
   if(i < 5) {
      // Do something special
   }  else {
      // Do other stuff

虽然您可以使用foreach手动创建单独的索引 int-variable,

int idx = -1;
for(int i : intArray) {


foreachfor :性能

当访问收藏,一foreach显著速度比基本for循环的数组访问。但是,当访问数组时 - 至少使用原始数据包和包装器数组 - 通过索引进行访问的速度要快得多。

定义原始 int 数组的迭代器和索引访问之间的差异

当访问索引比迭代更快 23- 40% intInteger阵列。这是本文底部测试类的输出,它将 100 个元素的原始数组中的数字相加(A 是迭代器,B 是索引):

[C:\java_code\]java TimeIteratorVsIndexIntArray 1000000
Test A: 358,597,622 nanoseconds
Test B: 269,167,681 nanoseconds
B faster by 89,429,941 nanoseconds (24.438799231635727% faster)

[C:\java_code\]java TimeIteratorVsIndexIntArray 1000000
Test A: 377,461,823 nanoseconds
Test B: 278,694,271 nanoseconds
B faster by 98,767,552 nanoseconds (25.666236154695838% faster)

[C:\java_code\]java TimeIteratorVsIndexIntArray 1000000
Test A: 288,953,495 nanoseconds
Test B: 207,050,523 nanoseconds
B faster by 81,902,972 nanoseconds (27.844689860906513% faster)

[C:\java_code\]java TimeIteratorVsIndexIntArray 1000000
Test A: 375,373,765 nanoseconds
Test B: 283,813,875 nanoseconds
B faster by 91,559,890 nanoseconds (23.891659337194227% faster)

[C:\java_code\]java TimeIteratorVsIndexIntArray 1000000
Test A: 375,790,818 nanoseconds
Test B: 220,770,915 nanoseconds
B faster by 155,019,903 nanoseconds (40.75164734599769% faster)

[C:\java_code\]java TimeIteratorVsIndexIntArray 1000000
Test A: 326,373,762 nanoseconds
Test B: 202,555,566 nanoseconds
B faster by 123,818,196 nanoseconds (37.437545972215744% faster)

我还为Integer数组运行了这个,索引仍然是明显的赢家,但速度只有 18%到 25%。


但是,对于Integers List ,迭代器是明显的赢家。只需将测试类中的 int 数组更改为:

List<Integer> intList = Arrays.asList(new Integer[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100});

并对 test-function( int[]List<Integer>length to size()等)进行必要的更改:

[C:\java_code\]java TimeIteratorVsIndexIntegerList 1000000
Test A: 3,429,929,976 nanoseconds
Test B: 5,262,782,488 nanoseconds
A faster by 1,832,852,512 nanoseconds (34.326681820485675% faster)

[C:\java_code\]java TimeIteratorVsIndexIntegerList 1000000
Test A: 2,907,391,427 nanoseconds
Test B: 3,957,718,459 nanoseconds
A faster by 1,050,327,032 nanoseconds (26.038700083921256% faster)

[C:\java_code\]java TimeIteratorVsIndexIntegerList 1000000
Test A: 2,566,004,688 nanoseconds
Test B: 4,221,746,521 nanoseconds
A faster by 1,655,741,833 nanoseconds (38.71935684115413% faster)

[C:\java_code\]java TimeIteratorVsIndexIntegerList 1000000
Test A: 2,770,945,276 nanoseconds
Test B: 3,829,077,158 nanoseconds
A faster by 1,058,131,882 nanoseconds (27.134122749113843% faster)

[C:\java_code\]java TimeIteratorVsIndexIntegerList 1000000
Test A: 3,467,474,055 nanoseconds
Test B: 5,183,149,104 nanoseconds
A faster by 1,715,675,049 nanoseconds (32.60101667104192% faster)

[C:\java_code\]java TimeIteratorVsIndexIntList 1000000
Test A: 3,439,983,933 nanoseconds
Test B: 3,509,530,312 nanoseconds
A faster by 69,546,379 nanoseconds (1.4816434912159906% faster)

[C:\java_code\]java TimeIteratorVsIndexIntList 1000000
Test A: 3,451,101,466 nanoseconds
Test B: 5,057,979,210 nanoseconds
A faster by 1,606,877,744 nanoseconds (31.269164666060377% faster)


* 这篇文章基于我在 Stack Overflow 上写的两个答案:

更多信息: 哪个更有效,for-each 循环或迭代器?


在 Stack Overflow 上阅读这个问题之后,我创建了这个比较 - 时间 - 任意两件事的类:

import  java.text.NumberFormat;
import  java.util.Locale;

   &lt;P&gt;{@code java TimeIteratorVsIndexIntArray 1000000}&lt;/P&gt;

   @see  &lt;CODE&gt;&lt;A HREF=&quot;https://stackoverflow.com/questions/180158/how-do-i-time-a-methods-execution-in-java&quot;&gt;https://stackoverflow.com/questions/180158/how-do-i-time-a-methods-execution-in-java&lt;/A&gt;&lt;/CODE&gt;
public class TimeIteratorVsIndexIntArray {

    public static final NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.US);

    public static final void main(String[] tryCount_inParamIdx0) {
        int testCount;

        // Get try-count from a command-line parameter
        try {
           testCount = Integer.parseInt(tryCount_inParamIdx0[0]);
        catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException | NumberFormatException x) {
           throw  new IllegalArgumentException("Missing or invalid command line parameter: The number of testCount for each test. " + x);

        //Test proper...START
        int[] intArray = new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100};

        long lStart = System.nanoTime();
        for(int i = 0; i < testCount; i++) {

        long lADuration = outputGetNanoDuration("A", lStart);

        lStart = System.nanoTime();
        for(int i = 0; i < testCount; i++) {

        long lBDuration = outputGetNanoDuration("B", lStart);

        outputGetABTestNanoDifference(lADuration, lBDuration, "A", "B");

    private static final void testIterator(int[] int_array) {
       int total = 0;
       for(int i = 0; i < int_array.length; i++) {
          total += int_array[i];

    private static final void testFor(int[] int_array) {
       int total = 0;
       for(int i : int_array) {
          total += i;
    //Test proper...END

    //Timer testing utilities...START
    public static final long outputGetNanoDuration(String s_testName, long l_nanoStart) {
        long lDuration = System.nanoTime() - l_nanoStart;
        System.out.println("Test " + s_testName + ": " + nf.format(lDuration) + " nanoseconds");
        return  lDuration;

    public static final long outputGetABTestNanoDifference(long l_aDuration, long l_bDuration, String s_aTestName, String s_bTestName) {
        long lDiff = -1;
        double dPct = -1.0;
        String sFaster = null;
        if(l_aDuration > l_bDuration) {
            lDiff = l_aDuration - l_bDuration;
            dPct = 100.00 - (l_bDuration * 100.0 / l_aDuration + 0.5);
            sFaster = "B";
        else {
            lDiff = l_bDuration - l_aDuration;
            dPct = 100.00 - (l_aDuration * 100.0 / l_bDuration + 0.5);
            sFaster = "A";
        System.out.println(sFaster + " faster by " + nf.format(lDiff) + " nanoseconds (" + dPct + "% faster)");
        return  lDiff;

   //Timer testing utilities...END
